When asked whether they would support or oppose a homework ban in their school district, only 28% of people said they would support it
Sorry, kids: complaints about having too much homework probably fall on deaf ears. A vast majority (71%) of US adults agree that homework is an important part of the learning process, and an equal number (71%) “strongly” or “somewhat” agree that doing homework helps students learn important time management skills, according to new data from YouGov Omnibus.
Many people reflected positively on their own experience with homework – 64% said it was “very” or “somewhat” helpful to their own education, versus only 11% who said it was “very” or “somewhat” harmful.
Slightly more than half (56%) of people also said they “generally had about the right amount of homework” when they were students, compared to 31% who said they “generally had too much homework.”

When asked about the homework levels for current students, people tend to be split. 40% say that elementary school students generally have too much homework, while 31% say the same is true for middle school students, and 37% say this is true for high school students. On the other end of the spectrum, 24% of people say elementary school students don’t have enough homework assigned, while 22% say this is true for middle schoolers.
A significantly larger amount (34%) think that high school students don’t have enough homework assigned to them. People were almost evenly split on whether high school students have too much homework (37%), or not enough (34%).
Close to half (45%) of people disagreed with the statement “homework is an unnecessary source of stress for many students,” while 33% agreed. However, people who are 18-34 years old (42%) were significantly more likely to agree with this statement than those 35-54-years-old (34%) and 55+ (24%).

People in the 18-34 range were also far more likely than the total population to say they generally had too much homework when they were students (43% vs 31%) and that they believe high school students today also generally have too much homework (44% vs 37%).
They are also slightly more likely to support a school district banning homework. When asked whether they would support or oppose a homework ban in their school district, only 28% of the general population said they would “strongly” or “somewhat” support it, compared to 34% of 18-34-year-olds. Baby boomers (people who are 55 years or older) were the most likely to be “strongly opposed”: 46% chose this answer.

But despite largely being in favor of assigning homework to students at all schooling levels, three-quarters (75%) of people also agreed that students should have free time to explore activities they’re passionate about. Presumably after their homework is done, of course.
See full results here.
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Image: Getty