27% of Latin American-born people in the US say "I have a wide social circle, and I enjoy it"
When it comes to social behaviors, US residents who hail from Latin America tend to be more social and team-oriented than the overall population. According to data from YouGov Profiles, people who are born in Latin American countries and now live in the US are more likely to have a wide social circle, generally prefer teamwork to working alone, and have a generally larger circle of friends.
When asked about their social circle, 27% of people born in Latin America (defined here as people born in Mexico, Central America, South America, or Latin Caribbean countries) say “I have a wide social circle, and I enjoy it.” Only 16% of the total population chose this same response. A large number of people in both groups (43% of Latin American-born and 41% of the total population) say that socializing is a part of their life, but not a main focus. While almost one-third (31%) of the total population said they “don’t mind socializing occasionally, but try to avoid it,” only 22% of Latin American-born people said the same.

About half (49%) of Latin American-born people say they prefer working in a team to working by themselves, compared to only 38% of the general population who say this. People born in Latin American countries are almost evenly split between working alone and working in a team - 51% vs. 49%.

People who are born in Latin America also tend to have bigger social circles: 11% say they have more than 20 “great” friends, while only 5% of the total population chose the same answer. Another 4% say they have between 15 and 20 great friends, and another 6% say they have between 10 and 15 great friends.

The most common answer for both Latin American-born people and the overall population was between 2 to 3 friends.
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Image: Getty