Friday the 13th is often considered a cursed or unlucky day.
Americans who are superstitious may be especially wary about the occasion. New data from YouGov finds that nearly one in 10 people (9%) say that they’re “very superstitious,” while another 20 percent consider themselves “somewhat superstitious.”
Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 may feel the most anxiety about the date. Nearly a quarter of that age range (23%) said they consider themselves “very superstitious.” Younger and older adults don’t seem as nervous: just 12 percent of 18-24-year-olds said the same, and fewer than 10 percent of all Americans over 35 agreed. Those over 55 years old (43%) are especially likely to say they’re “not at all superstitious.”
Previous YouGov research finds that most Americans don’t believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. About half (52%) say it’s “definitely not” unlucky, while three in 10 (28%) believe it’s “probably not” unlucky. However, 11 percent of people do believe that it’s “definitely” or “probably” an unlucky day.

Men (16%) are about twice as likely as women (8%) to believe that Friday the 13th is unlucky. They’re also more likely to consider themselves superstitious overall - 16 percent of men say they’re “very superstitious” compared with just 2 percent of women who say the same.
As for being lucky or unlucky in general, about four in 10 (41%) say that they’re lucky people. Just 16 percent of Americans consider themselves unlucky, while a plurality (43%) say they don’t know whether they’re lucky or unlucky.
Do you think Friday the 13th is lucky or unlucky? Sign up for our panel and tell us what you think.
Image: Getty