Taking a short vacation? Don't feel bad

May 28, 2013, 8:16 PM GMT+0

Wealthy Americans are the most likely to be planning a vacation this summer, though a majority of people are planning to spend only a week or less away.

Memorial Day has come to mark the beginning of summer in popular culture, and also marks the beginning of one of the most popular times of the year to take a vacation.

The latest YouGov research shows that 61% of Americans are planning to take a vacation this summer, while 38% are intending to work through the summer and stay at home.

People with family incomes under $40,000 per year are the only group who are more likely to have no vacation plans, with people earning over $40,000 generally saying that they have vacation plans. Among people with incomes over $100,000, 87% say that they have summer vacation plans.

Out of people taking a vacation, 57% of people say that it will be a week or less, while 16% say it will last more than two weeks.

The most popular activity for vacation is visiting family (55%), followed by city trips (40%). 22% of people say that they are intending to take a physical vacation or go camping.