If the last few years are any indication, many Halloween shoppers in the United States are willing to spend up to $50 — if they spend anything at all, according to YouGov data.
In 2018, 29 percent of survey respondents said they spent between one cent and $50 on candy, while 64 percent said they didn’t spend anything, according to an annual survey by YouGov that looks at consumer spending and activities for Halloween.
As for costume spending, 11 percent of respondents said they spent between a penny and $50 on dressing up, while 80 percent said they spent nothing. Spending data is similar for decorations: 15 percent said they spent in the once-cent-to-$50 range, while 77 percent said they spent nothing. Only 20 percent of respondents said they decorated their house for Halloween. Survey data on spending for 2017 was nearly identical to last year.

Who are these consumers? YouGov respondents who have children under 18 are more likely to spend money on Halloween. Twenty-seven percent of respondents with kids under 18 say they spent between once cent and $50 on costumes, 24 percent on decorations and 38 percent on candy. Half of those parents went trick or treating, however nearly half of those parents (49%) say they spent nothing on candy in 2018.
There were few big spenders last year, as less than 10 percent of Americans spent more than $50 on spooky supplies. According to the same survey, nearly half (45%) of the nationally representative sample said they didn’t celebrate Halloween at all in 2018.