How Americans plan to celebrate Thanksgiving this year

Jamie BallardData Journalist
November 28, 2019, 1:00 PM GMT+0

Many Americans plan to sit down tonight for Thanksgiving dinner, but will they be grabbing a slice of the light meat or dark meat from the turkey?

A poll of more than 1,500 Americans through YouGov’s Daily Agenda survey finds that half (50%) the country prefers light meat, while about one-third (32%) say they would rather have dark meat. One in 10 (10%) doesn’t eat turkey at all.

Republicans (60%) are more likely than independents (53%) and Democrats (48%) to say that they prefer light meat. About four in 10 (39%) Democrats, along with 30 percent of Republicans and 24 percent of independents favor the dark meat from the turkey.

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Many Americans will have several opportunities to eat their preferred part of the turkey this year.

Almost three in 10 (29%) US adults say they’ll be attending multiple Thanksgiving feasts this year between family celebrations, “Friendsgivings,” and workplace parties.

Young Americans are particularly likely to be attending or hosting multiple events. Over half (54%) of 18-to 24-year-olds have plans to attend at least two Thanksgiving events. Just 15 percent of those over 55 years old will be attending more than one Thanksgiving.

At many of these Thanksgiving celebrations, people will participate in the time-honored tradition of going around the table and saying what they’re thankful for. A YouGov poll from earlier this week finds that over half (58%) the country is most thankful for their family.

About one in five (22%) is most thankful for their health, while 6 percent say they are most grateful for their friendships this year.

Americans who live in the Midwest (70%) are particularly likely to say they’re most grateful for their family, while 59 percent of Southerners, 58 percent of Westerners, and fewer than half (46%) of those who live in the Northeast say the same.

Meanwhile, those who live in the Northeast (31%) are more than twice as likely as those in the Midwest (12%) to say they’re especially grateful for their health this Thanksgiving.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Make your opinion count and see yourself in stories like this one by signing up for our YouGov panel and the Daily Agenda newsletter.

Related: The worst thing to talk about during the holidays is not politics

Image: Getty

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