Men generally are more likely to say they rely on doctors to advise them
When it comes to healthcare decisions, men and women may take slightly different approaches. Women generally are more accepting of alternative medicine than men are, and they’re also more likely to research different treatments before consulting a doctor.
About two-thirds (64%) of Americans say that they were open-minded about alternative medicine, according to data from YouGov Profiles. Women were more likely than men to say that they “definitely agree” (22% vs 17%) or “tend to agree” (47% vs 41%) with the statement “I am open-minded about alternative medicine.” Close to one-third (29%) of men disagreed.
Between generations, Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are the most likely to say they’re open minded about alternative medicine, with nearly seven in 10 (68%) agreeing with the above statement. A near-equal number of Gen X’ers (67%) also agreed, while millennials were a little less likely to agree, though a majority (57%) still do.
Women are also more likely than men to research treatment options on their own, before asking their doctor about them. Close to two-thirds (63%) of women say they do this, compared to 58% of men. Another 31% of men say they disagree with this approach.

Men generally are more likely to say they rely on doctors to advise them. Two-thirds (66%) of men agreed with the statement “I rely primarily on doctors to guide me on medical and health matters,” compared with 60% of women. Another 30% of women said that they disagree with this.
Baby boomers once again were the most likely to agree with this statement, with 63% saying they generally agreed, compared to 57% of both Gen X and millennials.
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Image: Getty