84 Lumber’s gamble releasing a politically-tinged Super Bowl ad paid off in very substantial boosts in consumer perception and brand awareness, and looks likely to increase sales revenue too.
One encouraging theme for all three key metrics we used: they all peaked about a week after Super Bowl, and are still above pre-event levels.
- Buzz: In the 10 days leading up to the Super Bowl, 84 Lumber's consumer sentiment for the brand was hovering around the zero score, indicating consumers were hearing approximately equivalent amounts of positives and negatives about the brand. After airing its two-part Mexican immigration ad, the first half on air and the extended cut online, its consumer perception quadrupled positively over the next seven days. Even now, 10 days after the Super Bowl, 84 Lumber’s consumer perception is tracking twice as high as prior to the event.
- Awareness:Before the ad aired, about 31% of adults age 18 and over heard of the 84 Lumber brand. Four days after the Super Bowl, that percentage increased to 51% and is now hovering at 44%, still significantly higher than prior to the game.
- Purchase Consideration:On the day before the Super Bowl, 4% of adults reported that they would consider 84 Lumber the next time they were shopping for lumber products. One week later, that number jumped to 11%, and is currently at 7%.
YouGov BrandIndex measured 84 Lumber with three metrics: Buzz score ("If you've heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?"), Awareness (“Have you ever heard of this brand?”) and Purchase Consideration (“"When you are in the market next to purchase items in this particular category, from which of the following brands would you consider purchasing?”).
The Buzz score can range from -100 to 100 with a zero score equaling a neutral position. Both Awareness and Purchase Consideration range from a zero to 100% scale.
Buzz: 84 Lumber

Purchase Consideration: 84 Lumber

Awareness: 84 Lumber