YouGov reveals the top five spirits brands a person is likely to buy if they require a few drinks to get along with family
For many folks, the holiday season is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it provides time to relax with loved ones while contemplating the important stuff of life. On the other hand, the flights, shopping, and pressure to make everything extra special can induce stress and anxiety. And then there's the question of family: some people look forward to seeing them; others, less so.
For those in the latter camp, new data from YouGov Profiles shows the spirits brands consumers are most likely to buy during their next visit to the liquor store among people who admit they can only get along with their family after consuming a few drinks.
When compared to the average US adult, data indicates that individuals who require a drink to participate in a family function are most likely to buy Jack Daniel's, followed by Jagermeister, Johnnie Walker, Southern Comfort, and Skyy. These particular labels emerge from a list of 28 distinct spirits brands, which include everything from Bacardi to Baileys, Maker's Mark to Mike's Hard Lemonade.
Demographic data suggests that those who need a few drinks to get by in the company of family are most likely city-based Millennials aged 18-34 with a liberal outlook.
So if Jack Daniel's happens to see a sales bump in the coming weeks, it should probably give some credit to a post-election holiday season.