Taco Bell's defensive advertising campaign is finally having an impact. Last week's $3 million ad blitz defending its products in the face of a lawsuit, has been pulling the dining chain out of a public perception nosedive that saw Buzz scores plummeting.
The ads feature real employees who say that if anybody should know about the chain's seasoned ground beef, "it's me" -- and it's "88% ground beef and 12% signature recipe." They direct viewers who want to know what that signature recipe is to go right to TacoBell.com. The lawsuit is not mentioned.
Combined with its previous, "thanks for the lawsuit," newspaper ads, Taco Bell has been able to begin to bounce back on its BrandIndex Recommendation and Buzz scores. Taco Bell's scores hit bottom at the end of the first week of February and have since partially recovered, including its word of mouth Buzz score, which took the biggest hit from the lawsuit. The Quality score, however, is still struggling to get back to pre-lawsuit levels.