The noshers have spoken in the US! Ritz, Lay’s, Doritos, Fritos and Orville Redenbacher are the five best perceived snack brands by consumers.
Rounding out the top 10 list of best perceived snack brands, in order: Wheat Thins, Cheetos, Tostitos, Pringles, and Triscuit.
Both Fritos and Pringles gained one notch in the rankings since one year ago, while Orville Redenbacher and Triscuit moved down one in the same period.
The snack brand which has gained the most in U.S. consumer perception since one year ago: Kettle Brand Chips.
While both men and women agree that Ritz and Lay’s are their favorites, each gender has their own preferences: men rate Doritos higher and Fritos and Orville Redbacher lower than women.
All major snack brands were measured with YouGov BrandIndex’s Impression score, which asks "Do you have a general positive feeling about the brand?" All results are for adults 18+.
Measurement scores range from 100 to -100 and are compiled by subtracting negative feedback from positive. A zero score means equal positive and negative feedback.