The DIY-enthusiast dad is more than an American cliché – anyone stuck for a gift on Father’s Day would do well with a toolkit or some power tools. That’s because US fathers rate home improvement stores Craftsman (#1), Lowe’s (#4) and Home Depot (#12) among their top twenty best-rated brands.
YouGov BrandIndex measured more than a thousand US brands using its Buzz score, which asked fathers with children under the age of 18: “If you've heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?” Buzz scores range from 100 to -100 and are compiled by subtracting negative feedback from positive. A zero score means equal positive and negative feedback.
Anyone fearful of a DIY disaster might instead consider a box set from the History Channel (ranked #2), a year’s supply of Cheerios (#5) or some products by Johnson & Johnson (#8).
Online retailers Amazon (#3) and consumer electronics companies Sony (#6) and Samsung (#11) also rate high among dads.
Food is also the way to a dad’s heart, as snack brands M&M’s (#9) and Doritos (#18) make the list, although is a marked changed from 2012 when food dominated the father’s favorite list.