The introduction of daylong breakfast appears to have helped send McDonald’s perception among adults 18 and over to their highest levels since late 2013.
After more than a year of being below the fast food sector’s average perception score, McDonald’s swung back in a positive direction and broke back on top of the sector around September 24th.
For frequent breakfast eaters – defined as all adults over the age of 18 who eat breakfast at a restaurant from once a month up to two times a day -- three different YouGov BrandIndex metrics are particularly encouraging for McDonald’s: Buzz, General Impression and the key potential revenue measurement of Purchase Consideration.
For perception, YouGov BrandIndex used its Buzz score, which asks respondents "If you've heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?" The question for General Impression is: "Do you have a general positive feeling about the brand?" Both are measured on a scale from -100 to 100, with zero equaling a neutral position.
Currently, McDonald’s is at its highest Buzz score for 2015 with frequent breakfast eaters after ramping up 17 points since the beginning of August. They are currently at a 16 Buzz score for this demo, a full 10 points over the average fast food chain.
General Impression scores showed a similar trajectory, rising from 12 in early August to its present 23, eight points above the sector average.
But what may be even better news for McDonald’s shareholders is a steady rise in Purchase Consideration: the chain went from 39% of frequent breakfast eaters considering the Golden Arches the next time they purchase fast food in early August to its current 46%. That represents a gap of 31 percentage points compared to the average fast food chain of 15%.