Bergdahl widely seen as a deserter

December 29, 2015, 3:19 PM GMT+0

Most people who have been following the Bowe Bergdahl case believe that he is a deserter

In 2009 Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl disappeared from his base in Afghanistan and was captured by the Taliban, only to be released in 2014 after a prisoner swap. Bowe Bergdahl is facing life in prison after the army decided to charge him with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Full details of the case are still unclear but even Bergdahl's attorney does not dispute that Bergdahl walked off his base prior to his capture by the Taliban.

Research from YouGov shows that, among the two-thirds of Americans who have been following his case a large majority (58%) believe that Bowe Bergdahl deserted when he left his post and was captured by the Taliban. Only 8% say that he is not a deserter while 33% are unsure. Approval for the deal which released Bergdahl has dropped to 24% today, down from 35% in June 2014. 37% of Americans now disapprove of the deal.

Nevertheless, Americans are in principle supportive of the idea that it is acceptable for the government to negotiate with terrorists in order to secure the release of captured American soldiers. 52% of the public think the government should negotiate while only 24% say that it should not. Support for negotiations is highest among Democrats (65%) and lowest among Republicans (42%), 39% of whom say that the government should not negotiate with terrorists to secure the release of American soldiers.

The charges that Bergdahl is facing potentially carry the death penalty but the Army have already decided that they will not seek the death penalty if he is convicted.

Full poll results can be found here and topline results and margin of error here.