Mercedes "Obsessed" campaign takes brand to two year quality high

Ted MarzilliCEO YouGov Direct
July 18, 2017, 3:24 PM GMT+0

Mercedes-Benz’s new social media-only campaign touting its high-performance AMG division appears to have sparked a sharp quality perception high with its affluent target audience, according to YouGov BrandIndex, the only daily brand consumer perception research service.

The campaign may not only be a victory for Mercedes, but also Facebook’s in-house creative shop, which helped create the ads — all but assuring high visibility on the social network and its Instagram property.

After the mobile video “Join The Obsessed” campaign reportedly rolled out near the end of June, it seemed to have an immediate impact on consumers with over $100,000 annually in family income who use Facebook and Instagram. Both general impression and quality perception scores increased for the demo right around July 1st, seemingly peaking during the middle of last week.

For this affluent group, it was the highest impression score for Mercedes in four months, but quality perception hit a two-year high mark after the launch of the campaign.

YouGov BrandIndex measured Mercedes-Benz with two scores: General Impression ("Do you have a generally positive / negative feeling about the brand?") and Quality ("Is it high quality or low quality?").

For both metrics, a score can range from -100 to 100 with a zero score equaling a neutral position.

Mercedes: Impression

Mercedes: Quality