Republican attitudes towards their Congressional leaders have become more negative only a week after the election
Last week, the Economist/YouGov Poll showed a sizable post-election jump in satisfaction levels of Republicans with their party’s Congressional leaders, House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell (who will become the Senate Majority Leader once the new Congress begins in January). But this week’s poll suggests their honeymoon with GOP voters may be ending, and at least for now, favorable ratings of the have slipped back from post-election euphoria.

Republicans still feel better about their Congressional leaders than they did before the election, when just about as many were unfavorable as were favorable. But unfavorable ratings of the two have increased from last week’s post-election low, up ten points for Boehner, and up 12 points for McConnell. And Republican favorable percentages for the two were down 12 and 14 points, respectively.
The Democratic leaders, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and current Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, have seen almost no change in the way Democrats view them, despite their party’s election loss.

Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here.