Many states permit gambling -in casinos or through lotteries -and Americans generally support that. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, two out of three favor legalized gambling, 22% oppose it. Republicans and Democrats, the young and the old, support it at about the same level.

But Americans have very different views about legalizing prostitution. 52% oppose that. And support differs from one group to the next. Those under 30 are divided about the prospect; those 65 and older are overwhelmingly opposed. Men are more favorable to legalizing prostitution than women are; college graduates more positive
than those with less education. And while 49% of independents and 42% of Democrats would legalize prostitution, only 26% of Republicans agree.
Do you think that prostitution should be legal?
Yes | ||
Total |
| 39% |
Gender | Male | 45% |
| Female | 32% |
Age | 18-29 | 45% |
| 30-64 | 36% |
| 65+ | 8% |
Party | Dem | 42% |
| Rep | 26% |
| Ind | 49% |