By 46% to 30%, U.S. Sees Actions Against Terrorism Worth The Cost, But Iraq Was A Mistake

September 13, 2011, 4:00 PM GMT+0

The years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have seen increased domestic surveillance, enhanced security at airports, and two wars. Has it been worth it? 46% of those in the latest Economist/YouGov say it was, but 30% disagree. 

Among the most negative about the anti-terrorism changes are those under the age of 30, Democrats and political independents.
Responses are more negative when it comes to the wars in Afghanistan and especially the war in Iraq. Asked if the war in Afghanistan was a mistake, Americans divide closely; asked about the war in Iraq, most Americans say that was an error. 

There is little hope for victory in either war. Seven in ten say that in each case, the U.S. will not win, but eventually will withdraw without a victory.

Former President George W. Bush, and not Barack Obama, is seen as having more responsibility for today’s situation in both of those countries. 56% give President Bush most of the responsibility for Iraq, and 41% give him most of the responsibility for the situation in Afghanistan today. Just 15% give Barack Obama most of the responsibility for the current situation in Iraq, and 21% say he is mostly responsible for Afghanistan. 

Economist/YouGov poll archives can found here.

Photo source: Press Association

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