President Trump daily job approval for August 4, 2019

Joe WilliamsDirector of Polling
August 05, 2019, 11:00 PM GMT+0

Presidential tweets

After asking about President Trump's job performance, YouGov asks panelists to rate tweets originating from the President's personal twitter account. Please note that as part of the survey process, panelists view static images of the actual tweets, not the transcriptions of the tweet texts presented in the results. Sometimes, President Trump uses more than two or three tweets to continue a longer message. On those occasions, panelists view and rate the complete tweet thread as a whole.

Explore the data

Feel free to explore today's Presidential job approval and tweet rating data in the widget below:

Trump Tweets - August 4, 2019

Tweet Index

You can review the history of our ratings of President Trump's tweets back to February 2017 on our YouGov TweetIndex.