Romney, Obama Supporters Divide On The Role Of Government

August 22, 2012, 4:00 PM GMT+0

(Week of 8/18/2012) The belief that this year’s campaign for the White House will be fought over the role of the federal government in American life is supported by the latest Economist/YouGov Poll. There is a stark contrast between Obama and Romney supporters in terms of preference for being given a helping hand versus being left alone by the federal government.

Among Americans as a whole, 43% would like to have a government that lends a hand. But more than half, 57%, would rather government just leave them alone. Among those who now expect to vote for President Barack Obama, however, 74% look to a government that will lend them a hand. Those now saying they will vote for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney overwhelmingly want to be left alone. 86% of them say that.

Younger adults are more interested than their seniors in getting some help from the federal government. Half of those under the age of 30 favor a federal government that would lend a hand.

Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here

Photo source: Press Association