Most people think that Al-Qaeda poses a bigger threat to Americans than white supremacists, though Democrats disagree
Just over a week ago, three people were shot and killed outside of Jewish community centers in Kansas City. The alleged shooter, Frazier Glenn Miller, is a former special forces veteran and a long-time leader in the American white supremacist movement. Miller was heard yelling 'Heil Hitler' as he was arrested. Violent attacks by right-wing extremists can be overshadowed by attacks by Islamist extremists, but since 9/11 34 Americans have been killed in far-right attacks, compared to 21 killed by Islamists.
The latest research from YouGov shows that most Americans (59%) think that Al-Qaeda poses a greater threat to our lives than white supremacists (41%). There is a significant partisan divide, however, as Democrats narrowly identify white supremacists (56%) as a greater threat than Al-Qaeda (44%), while Republicans overwhelmingly select Al-Qaeda (82%).

The shootings at the Kansas City Jewish centers are being treated as a hate crime, not terrorism. Just under half the country (49%) say, however, that the attacks were an act of terrorism, though 29% do disagree. The public overwhelmingly (79%) believes that the shootings were a hate crime.