More than a third of Americans (34%) rate McDonald’s fries as the best burger chain fries. Burger King (10%) and Five Guys (9%) come a distant second and third.
The top fast food beef burger is a dead heat between Burger King and Five Guys both favored by 15% of American adults, and closely followed by Wendy’s (14%). McDonald’s burgers are favored by 7% of Americans.
Best fries and best burger from a burger chain
The best breakfast, according to 17% of Americans, is back at McDonalds or Burger King (16%) – unless you are a New Yorker, who claim the best fast food breakfast can be found at Burger King (19%).
New York does have its very own fast food preferences, differing quite markedly from America at large.
Asked which fast food chain has the best food, the top rated chain in America was Chick-Fil-A, which was favored by 11% of Americans. In New York City, where Chick-Fil-A has only one outlet, the clear leader was Chipotle, the top choice for 17% of people living in one of the five NYC boroughs and the overwhelming choice of 24% of Manhattan residents.
Chipotle topped the NYC list again for healthiest fast food option, rated most healthy by 18% of New Yorkers and 28% of people living in Manhattan. Subway is rated healthiest fast food by 19% of all Americans.
Healthiest fast food restaurant
The NYC data is supplied by YouGov Citybus, city specific Omnibus research.
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Find the full results here.
Image courtesy of Press Association