(Week of 8/11/2012) Americans want to protect animals — and in the most recent Economist/YouGov Poll, more of them say killing them for their fur is morally wrong than say they same thing about abortion, or physician-assisted suicide, or relations between people of the same sex.

Only 20% of Americans find killing animals for their fur morally acceptable; 54% do not. And there is limited support for this among all demographic and political group.
When it comes to abortion, well more than half the public favors keeping it legal, at least in some cases. But just 25% would have abortion be legal in all cases. 17% overall (and 33% of Republicans) would make all abortions illegal.
In recent years, Americans have become more accepting of gays and lesbian relationships. Despite these changes, the country remains evenly divided over the morality of gay and lesbian relations, with 40% saying they are morally acceptable and 40% saying they are not. Younger adults are more accepting of gay relations than senior citizens, the plurality of whom still view them as morally wrong. And Americans are slightly more likely to oppose gay marriage than to favor it.

Nearly 60% of college graduates support same-sex marriage.
Some activities that used to be illegal in the past are now accepted by large majorities. Nearly three in four Americans now find birth control and interracial marriage acceptable. Few say they are wrong. Over half find divorce and gambling morally acceptable, and close to half say the same about premarital sex.

Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association