Americans Approve Of Jason Collins' Decision To Come Out By Two To One

May 09, 2013, 1:00 PM GMT+0

(Week of 5/4/2013) Last week, NBA player Jason Collins came out as gay in Sports Illustrated. Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll approve of that decision by more than two to one.

Opinions about Collins’ decision track with overall attitudes about gay rights. Collins’ decision gets more support from women than from men, from liberals than from conservatives, and from Democrats and independents than from Republicans. Republicans are closely divided on his decision: 34% approve of it, 43% disapprove.

Overall, Collins is seen favorably: 43% have a favorable view of him, 24% are unfavorable. Republicans are conservatives are not positive, however. Only 22% of Republicans and 27% of conservatives have a favorable opinion of Collins; 38% of Republicans and 36% of conservatives are unfavorable towards him.