Many Americans disapprove of the Cheney sisters' behavior, but 1 in 4 Americans have serious political disagreements with a family member.
Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is running for Senate in Wyoming and recently re-iterated her opposition to gay marriage in a nationally televised interview, despite attending the same sex wedding of her sister, Mary Cheney. This prompted a response from both Mary's partner, Heather, and Mary herself, on Facebook. The feud made headlines, but family disagreements are something that many Americans are used to seeing.
The latest YouGov research shows that more people dispprove of both the sisters' actions than approve. Unsurprisingly more Republicans approve of Liz Cheney's actions, while more Democrats side with Mary.

More than a quarter of Americans (28%) have serious political disagreements with a family member. Young people are much more likely to have an issue than older members of the family.

During political disagreements Republicans are slightly more likely to be involved in a shouting match (19%) than Democrats (11%). However, thankfully indeed, only 4% of people have ever had a Thanksgiving ruined by a political disagreement.

Though Republicans may be a bit more vocal, most consider liberals to be more abrasive than conservatives when discussing politics. There is an expected partisan divide, but 45% of Republicans say liberals are more abrasive, whereas only 28% of Democrats say conservatives are more abrasive

In regard to gay marriage, even though only 19% of Republicans think that gay marriage should be legal, nearly half (45%) would support a family member or close friend by going to a gay wedding. 43% of the general public think that gay marriage should be allowed.