Very few Americans would ever buy vegetable-flavored ice cream, but if forced to eat veggie ice cream carrot would be the top choice
Haagen-Dazs has announced that they will be launching two new vegetable-based flavors of ice cream in Japan. Japanese consumers will soon be able to enjoy carrot and orange, as well as tomato and cherry flavored ice cream. These specific flavors aren't available in the United States, but that doesn't mean that strange ice cream is a purely foreign phenomenon - soy sauce ice cream is available in New York, while Oregonians can enjoy ice cream flavored like pine needles.
When YouGov asked Americans what vegetable would make the best ice cream flavor, carrot came out on top. Corn, tomato, pumpkin and - strangely - potato were also popular options. Broccoli was widely suggested as the worst of all vegetables to turn into ice cream, managing to beat out onion and garlic, while spinach was also regarded as a particularly unappetizing choice of ice cream.
Very few Americans (12%) had heard of Haagen-Dazs' plan to sell vegetable flavored ice cream. Vegetable ice cream is currently unavailable in the United States, and seems set to remain so, as 62% of Americans say flat-out that they would not buy any ice cream flavored like a vegetable. Only 9% would be interested in it, while 30% aren't convinced either way.