Most Americans say that baseball has a major problem with performance-enhancing drugs - even more than say the same for cycling
Major League Baseball is understood to be planning to suspend a number of players - including major figures like Alex Rodriguez - for 100 games after the latest sports doping scandal was revealed. The owner of a Florida medical clinic has agreed to tell the MLB which professional players have used his services and have taken performance enhancing drugs. This follows not long after Lance Armstrong, a multiple winner of the Tour de France, admitted that he had cheated by systematically taking performance enhancing drugs.
The latest YouGov research shows that 55% of Americans think that baseball has a 'major problem' with performance enhancing drugs, slightly more than the 51% who say cycling has a major problem. Swimming is the most trusted, with only 28% saying doping is a major problem and 12% thinking it is not a problem at all.
When asked what proportion of athletes in each sport use performance enhancing drugs, the most common response for every sport was that less than half of the athletes use these drugs. Baseball, however, did fare the worst with the number of people who think that no athletes in the sport use these drugs, with only 8% of people believing the sport to be clean.
Complete results are available here.
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