YouGov collected data on an incredible range of topics in 2019. Millions of Americans told us what they think, feel, and believe about everything from 2020 candidates to pets to sandwiches to sports, and so much more.
Here are 10 of the most interesting things we learned this year, thanks to you.
1) Michelle Obama is the most admired woman in the world
In 2019, YouGov found that Michelle Obama was the most admired woman in the world.
Each year, YouGov conducts a study examining which public figures people look up to. This year the study expanded to cover the views of people in 41 countries – the most ever – with more than 42,000 people being interviewed to compile the list.

The study — which was featured in CNBC, Forbes, and People, as well as other major media outlets — also found that Bill Gates is the most admired man in the world. He’s topped the list every time YouGov has conducted the survey.
2) Millennials are the loneliest generation
The first generation to grow up with social media is also the generation most likely to feel isolated.
A July 2019 survey on friendship revealed that 30 percent of Millennials say they always or often feel lonely. Just one in five (20%) members of Generation X say the same, while even fewer Baby Boomers (15%) report feeling lonely with the same frequency.

This poll, which was mentioned in articles published by Vox, Inc, and Women’s Health among other outlets, also found that 22 percent of Millennials claim to have no friends. Additionally, 27 percent of this generation says they have no close friends, and 30 percent say that they don’t have a best friend.
3) The most popular sandwich in America is a grilled cheese
Even NFL star JJ Watt of the Houston Texans couldn’t help but weigh in on this August 2019 YouGov survey about sandwiches.
This poll revealed that the most popular sandwich among Americans is none other than the classic grilled cheese sandwich: 79 percent of US adults indicated that they “really like” or “somewhat like” this sandwich.
Grilled chicken (75%), turkey (75%), and roast beef (71%) were other especially popular picks.

4) When it comes to presidential pups, Buddy and Bailey are at the top of the list
YouGov recognizes that all dogs are good dogs, but Americans have preferences on which 2020 pup has the best name.
YouGov ran surveys in May and in September asking more than 1,200 Americans what they thought about various Democratic presidential candidates’ dog’s names. In May 2019, Bailey was the most popular name, with 10 percent of the vote. But come September, Buddy took the top spot on the list.

5) Airbnb’s acquisition of HotelTonight helps grow the platform’s end-to-end vision
Airbnb officially owns HotelTonight as of April 2019, marking the acquisition as the largest for the short-term accommodations company. What did Airbnb have to gain from buying out a company that specializes in last-minute hotel bookings?

YouGov compared HotelTonight’s customer satisfaction score to that of other prominent booking agencies such as Expedia, Trivago, and Orbitz and found that HotelTonight boasted the highest Satisfaction scores entering 2019. Airbnb’s acquisition of the HotelTonight will include its base of happy customers and unique inventory of boutique hotels.
6) Ted Bundy is the most notorious serial killer in US history
Between Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, and too many true crime podcasts to count, media about serial killers seemed to be everywhere in 2019.
This YouGov survey from May 2019 found that across generations, Ted Bundy is one of the most notorious mass murderers. When asked to think about serial killers throughout American history, 41 percent listed Bundy. About one in five (21%) also named Jeffrey Dahmer, while 15 percent listed Charles Manson and John Wayne Gacy.

This survey also found that young Americans are transfixed by this serial killer culture in a way that older generations are not. Most 18-to-25-year-olds are interested (55%) in consuming serial killer content, while fewer than half of Americans over 35 say the same.
7) About four in 10 young Americans aren’t wearing deodorant
Earlier this year, Justin Bieber announced plans to launch a new line of deodorant in partnership with Schmidt’s Naturals. But YouGov’s data suggests that members of the Gen Z and millennial generations may not have been in the market for deodorant.
Research from YouGov Profiles in June 2019 indicated that 39 percent of 18-to-24 year-olds said they hadn’t applied deodorant or antiperspirant within the last month.

This research, which was featured on ABC News, Fox News, and in the New York Post found that about three in 10 (31%) 25-to 34-year-olds also said they hadn’t worn deodorant or antiperspirant recently. About one in five (22%) 35-to 44-year-olds said the same.
8) Millennials want the next president to be a young, political insider
A YouGov poll from June 2019 explored which traits and experiences Americans want their next president to have. According to the survey, at least half of Millennials say that a candidate with government experience (56%), legal experience (53%), business experience (50%), or social activism experience (50%) appeals to them.

This survey also found that 52 percent of millennials want their next president to be younger than 50 years old when they begin their first term.
9) Half of Americans probably can’t tell when a British person calls them an idiot
It has been said that Britain and America are two nations separated by a common language. YouGov asked both Americans and Brits about how they would interpret several phrases that are common in the UK, such as “With the greatest respect…” and “You must come for dinner.”
Turns out, British subtext is lost on many Americans. While about two-thirds (68%) of British people say that “With the greatest respect…” really means “I think you are an idiot,” a plurality (49%) of Americans say they would interpret this to mean “I am listening to you.”

10) Americans care the most about price, not varietal or vintage, when it comes to purchasing wine
When it comes to wine, America wants an inexpensive glass of red, though most wouldn’t mind a glass of white or rose wine either. That was one of the main findings from an October 2019 survey about wine preferences.
Varietal, vintage, region, and brand all matter less than price when it comes to wine. Two-thirds (66%) say that price is one of the most important factors they consider when they’re buying a bottle of wine.

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