(Week of 4/20/2013) Despite the failure of the U.S. Senate last week to pass gun control legislation that included universal background checks, the public still supports that change – and by a 71% to 15% margin. The latest Economist/YouGov Poll also shows continued support for stricter gun laws.
Opponents of the background check legislation, which failed to get the needed 60 votes in the Senate last week, remain less popular in the country. Wayne LaPierre, the CEO of the National Rifle Association, is more disliked than liked (16% have a favorable view of him and 29% do not, making LaPierre’s unfavorability just short of two-to-one with those who find him favorable restricting to respondents aware of who he was). That is a slightly worse rating than the one given to LaPierre last week. The NRA also gets slightly negative ratings.
Senate leaders on both sides have low public support. Four in ten view Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell unfavorably and a similar number view Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid negatively. Congress’ overall approval rating is only 7%.
President Obama does not appear to have garnered much support for his work in support of gun control legislation. However, slightly more people approve of how he has handled the issue of gun control as disapprove.
Economist/YouGov poll archives can be found here
Photo source: Press Association