When it comes to picking a summer vacation, data from YouGov Profiles shows where Millennials and Baby Boomers share common ground
Summer shouldn't be stressful, and choosing a vacation destination shouldn't be vexing. Yet, as we all know, the season of rest and relaxation can quickly turn into something less than sunny when deciding on a family trip. Different generations have different priorities. Should you explore the streets of Tokyo or observe the wildlife in Alaska?
According to YouGov Profiles, Millennials aged 18-34 and Baby Boomers aged 50-64 have rather different ideas of what an ideal vacation would look like.
Safaris, skiing holidays, and weddings/birthdays/bacherlor parties are much more popular with the young; Baby Boomers, on the other hand, would rather enjoy a cruise or quiet jaunt to the countryside.
Luckily there is some common ground. The safest choice for a vacation involving all the family is a beach vacation, or a cultural tour.

In terms of destinations, the same pattern exists. Some places (like Japan, England, and France) are much more popular among the young, and not so much among the Baby Boomers. On the other hand, trips to Alaska, Tahiti, and Austria are likely to appeal to the grandparents but leave the younger generations cold.
For a combined trip that is likely to appeal to all the generations, go for somewhere like Australia, Hawaii, or Ireland — all are equally liked by young and old.

Millennials and Baby Boomers may not agree on every issue — from politics to pop culture — but that doesn't mean there aren't activities and destinations that both cohorts would consider for a family trip this summer.