One in five Americans steal towels

Jenny HallPress Contact
May 06, 2011, 7:44 PM GMT+0

With one in five of our survey responders admitting to stealing a towel from their hotel or gym it is small wonder that hoteliers are now looking to microchip their linen items:

  • 21% admitted to stealing a towel from their hotel or gym.
  • 22% admitted that they had shoplifted.
  • 22% accepted the wrong change from a cashier despite knowing that the change was too high.

Misleading doctors and friends about health and fitness issues was also high on the list of dishonest activities. 22% of responders admitted to lying to their doctors about their alcohol consumption. 18% of responders have lied about their use of illegal drugs. 

25% lied about the amount of exercise they really do. Responders on the West coast are more likely to misrepresent the their true exercise rates than the rest of the country at 31% compared with 25%.

The most common occurrence of dishonesty admitted to in our survey is towards nearest and dearest. 45% of responders admit to lying to their spouse or partner.

According to the survey results men are consistently more likely to admit to being dishonest in their dealings with vendors, doctors, partners or friends. 24% of men admitted to stealing towels from gyms or hotels compared to 17% of women and 20% admitted to shoplifting compared to 17% of women. Traffic policemen are most likely to find a dishonest response from men than women. 23% of men admitted to misleading a traffic cop compared with 13% of women.