Biggest social media regret: Sounding foolish
People are jumping the gun responding to e-mails and texts, and it seems to be backfiring. Responding too quickly when they are busy is the reason most commonly cited (by 16%) for sending an online communication or text that is later regretted, according to the YouGov Omnibus public opinion survey ...
23 Jul 2013Article
Made in America
Nearly half of American consumers (47%) would be more likely to buy a product that has “Made In The USA” branding on it, according to the YouGov Omnibus public opinion survey taken June 11 and 12, 2013. One third (32%) said they would definitely choose to buy that product, with ...
28 Jun 2013Article
The Zombie Apocalypse
“World War Z” is not a science-fiction concept to some Americans: 14% of Americans believe there is at least a small chance of a zombie apocalypse actually happening according to the YouGov Omnibus survey taken May 15 through 17, 2013. To many people, the zombies are already here: ...
14 Jun 2013Article
American Idol: Is there life left in the show?
More than one out of two people (53%) think that the curtain should fall on long-running TV show “American Idol” because it is no longer relevant, according to the YouGov Omnibus survey taken June 4 through 6, 2013. Only 16% of the respondents said “American Idol” should continue ...
07 Jun 2013Article
Should birthdays be holidays?
More than one out of three U.S. citizens (37%) believes their birthdays should be Federal holidays and entitle them to take off from work, according to the YouGov Omnibus survey taken May 28 - 30, 2013. Women (41%) and African Americans (48%) are the strongest supporters of the ...
04 Jun 2013