• Putin’s invasion of Ukraine unites Democrats and Republicans against him and RussiaArticle

    Putin’s invasion of Ukraine unites Democrats and Republicans against him and Russia

    The Economist/YouGov poll has tracked Democrats’ and Republicans’ opinion regarding Russia and Putin for years: asking whether Russia is a friend or foe in more than 150 of the weekly polls since June 2009, and how favorably people view Putin nearly 50 times since January 2014.

  • Possibility of Russian interference in 2018 election divides AmericansArticle

    Possibility of Russian interference in 2018 election divides Americans

    61% of Democrats think Russia will interfere in this November's elections, while 51% of Republicans think they won't

  • MH17 crash a 'threat to world peace', with onus on PutinArticle

    MH17 crash a 'threat to world peace', with onus on Putin

    Most Americans think the shooting down of MH17 is a threat to world peace, and the public say that Vladimir Putin is mostly to blame for the crisis in Ukraine

  • Reviewing Russia’s role in 2016 while getting ready for 2018Article

    Reviewing Russia’s role in 2016 while getting ready for 2018

    50% of Americans believe Russia interfered with the 2016 Presidential election

  • Americans warm to Zelensky while nearly half call Putin evilArticle

    Americans warm to Zelensky while nearly half call Putin evil

    More Americans view Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky favorably than did a week ago, while half of both Democrats and Republicans say Vladimir Putin is evil.

  • Most Americans reject Trump's e-mail callArticle

    Most Americans reject Trump's e-mail call

    54% of Americans say Trump's call for Russia to hack Clinton's e-mails was inappropriate, and 40% think he is too friendly towards Russia

  • Post-summit: Russia, Europe, and the PresidentArticle

    Post-summit: Russia, Europe, and the President

    56% of Americans think President Trump has a favorable opinion of Vladimir Putin

  • Poll Results: Trump and PutinArticle

    Poll Results: Trump and Putin

    These are the topline results of a YouGov/Huffington Post survey of 1000 US adults interviewed August 29-September 1, 2016 on the presidential election. The margin of error is 4.6%. Click here to see full tables and demographic crossbreaks

  • On foreign policy, Americans disagree, change their minds, and sometimes follow the leaderArticle

    On foreign policy, Americans disagree, change their minds, and sometimes follow the leader

    More than half of Americans think Donald Trump has a favorable opinion of Vladimir Putin

  • Post-Wagner rebellion, fewer Americans expect Putin to be Russia's president in a yearArticle

    Post-Wagner rebellion, fewer Americans expect Putin to be Russia's president in a year

    Slightly more expect Ukraine (33%) than Russia (21%) to be the eventual winner when the war is over; 13% say they are equally likely to win.

  • Americans see Russia as a threat – but aren't sure Trump doesArticle

    Americans see Russia as a threat – but aren't sure Trump does

    34% of Americans consider Russia to be an enemy

  • Americans generally believe Russia offered bounties to kill US troops in AfghanistanArticle

    Americans generally believe Russia offered bounties to kill US troops in Afghanistan

    Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll believe the intelligence reports that Russia secretly offered militants in Afghanistan rewards for killing American troops, though many aren’t sure what to think.

  • YouGov/Economist Poll: September 10-13, 2016Article

    YouGov/Economist Poll: September 10-13, 2016

    This is a summary of a YouGov/Economist Poll conducted September 10-13, 2016. The sample is 1300 general population respondents with a Margin of Error of ±3.9%.

  • Poll Results: Sochi reflectionArticle

    Poll Results: Sochi reflection

    These are the topline results of a YouGov/Economist survey of 1000 US adults interviewed February 22-24, 2014 on the Sochi olympics. The results show that the Winter Olympics went better than most Americans thought it would. The margin of error is 4.1%. Click here to see full tables and demographic crossbreaks ...

  • Poll Results: Putin and ObamaArticle

    Poll Results: Putin and Obama

    These are the topline results of a YouGov/Economist survey of 1000 US adults interviewed March 8-10, 2014 on Ukraine. The results show Americans do not think sanctions will motivate Russia to remove its troops from Ukraine. The margin of error is 4%. Click here and here to see full tables and demographic ...

  • Congress, Biden, Gaza, and China: key results from the Nov. 18-20, 2023 Economist/YouGov PollArticle

    Congress, Biden, Gaza, and China: key results from the Nov. 18-20, 2023 Economist/YouGov Poll

    This week’s Economist/YouGov poll covers Americans' views on Congress, Biden's job performance and handling of specific issues, wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and the China-U.S. deal on fentanyl.

  • Poll Results: Olympic OptimismArticle

    Poll Results: Olympic Optimism

    These are the topline results of a YouGov/Economist survey of 1000 US adults interviewed February 15-17, 2014 on President Obama's place of birth. The results show that a majority of people think those who say Barack Obama was not born in the US just don't like him. The margin of ...

  • Poll Results: Putin & Russia ThreatArticle

    Poll Results: Putin & Russia Threat

    These are the topline results of a YouGov/Economist survey of 1000 US adults interviewed March 1 - 3, 2014 on the threat posed by Russia and Putin. The results show that nearly half of Americans think that Vladimir Putin poses a threat to the US.The margin of error is 3.9%. ...

  • Poll Results: UkraineArticle

    Poll Results: Ukraine

    These are the topline results of a YouGov/Economist survey of 1000 US adults interviewed March 8-10, 2014 on Ukraine. The results show that nearly half of Americans would be uneasy with Joe Biden handling an international crisis. The margin of error is 4%. Click here to see full tables and demographic ...

  • The Putin ThreatArticle

    The Putin Threat

    Americans continue to distrust Russian President Vladimir Putin, but (perhaps) grudgingly think of him as a strong leader.  The latest Economist/YouGov Poll finds Americans believing that Putin has made Russia a country less friendly to the United States since he assumed power. GRAPHIC: Q10 This is probably not what President ...



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