Americans Spring into their favorite season
Springtime is the nation’s most-loved season of the year, and now that the season has sprung, Americans are most looking forward to the warmer weather, plants and wildlife, and the longer days, as well as beginning to think about spring cleaning and gardening – all despite the most-polled gripes of ...
10 Apr 2014Article
No summer getaway for four in ten Americans
As summer approaches, will Americans opt for a vacation or staycation? While 80% of Americans who plan on taking a trip this summer say they will opt for a break in the States, 7% plan on going abroad, and 13% say they will choose to vacate in the US and ...
03 Apr 2014Article
Who would win in fights between presidents, superheroes and animals?
Abraham Lincoln may have led the US through its Civil War, but that hasn’t stopped more than half of Americans (53%) from saying George Washington would win against him in a fight. In the imaginary battle of the presidents, lower earners are evenly split over the outcome of a Lincoln-Washington ...
27 Mar 2014Article
Alzheimer’s falls behind in financial support ‘because it affects older people’ <img style="vertical-align: middle;" src="" width="580" ...
15 Mar 2014Article
Banks doing ‘too little’ for card security, 46% Americans say
As American cardholders are more likely to have their cash stolen via a security breach than from physical theft, almost half the nation (46%) believes banks are not doing enough to secure their customers’ card details. 30% say banks and financial institutions are doing enough to prevent breaches. A quarter ...
07 Feb 2014Article
Half of millennials blame US winter storms on climate change
As America’s big freeze begins to thaw, attention turns to why the US began this year with record low temperatures and winter storms. As all 50 states dropped below freezing, with polar conditions in the eastern half of the US, 50% of younger Americans are blaming global warming for the ...
16 Jan 2014Article
The Hobbit is top among cinema-goers, movie streamers favor The Hunger Games
Now The Hobbit’s LA premier has got underway, 22% of Americans will be following Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) and Gandalf (Martin McKellen) on the red carpet as they plan to watch the new release at the movie theater. This makes the Hobbit the most popular movie to see at the ...
09 Dec 2013Article
15% of young people would definitely live in ‘tiny’ homes
Tiny homes could be the next big thing on the US housing market – among 18-34 year old Americans, 15% would definitely want to live in a small abode, while 19% would seriously consider it. Tiny houses are generally smaller than the average parking spot and can be dramatically cheaper ...
14 Nov 2013Article
Only college grads can have career success, says one fifth in US
For the 20% of the nation which thinks a college education is essential to have a successful career, the expense of a degree may well be worth it. Despite this, cost remains a factor when choosing a college – more Americans say that cost is most important to them than ...
23 Oct 2013Article
Suicidal thoughts affect one quarter of Americans
As the Government and advocacy groups are raising awareness for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, 25% of Americans say that they have had suicidal thoughts. A nationally representative sample of 1,084 people was asked if they were willing to answer questions on suicide. Results are from the 1,019 adults who agreed. ...
19 Sep 2013