Unlike her husband, more Americans have a favorable opinion of the First Lady than an unfavorable one
Trump Assassination Attempt | July 2024
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is now viewed more positively than negatively
The Economist /YouGov Poll Sample 1500 US Adults Conducted April 29 - May 2, 2017 Margin of Error 3.1% 1. Would you say things in this...
The Economist /YouGov Poll Sample 1500 US Adults Conducted October 7 - 10, 2017 Margin of Error 3.1% 1. Would you say things in this...
The Daily Show teamed up with YouGov to figure out what might happen in a fantasy scenario in which members of the Trump family were all running against one another.
Most Trump voters think the media has treated the President very unfairly
The Economist /YouGov Poll Sample 1500 US Adults Conducted June 3 - 5, 2018 Margin of Error 3.2% 1. Would you say things in this...
The Economist /YouGov Poll Sample 1500 US Adults Conducted February 5 - 7, 2017 Margin of Error 3.2% 1. Would you say things in this...