- Sadness
- Saint Patrick's Day
- Salma Hayek
- Sam Bankman-Fried
- Samsung
- Samsung Galaxy
- Samuel Adams
- Samuel Alito
- San Francisco 49ers
- Sarah Palin
- Sarah Paulson
- Saturday Night Live
- Saudi Arabia
- Scarlett Johansson
- Schindler's List
- School
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Scientific American
- Scientific Research
- Scorpions
- Screenwriting
- Search Engine Optimization
- Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
- Second Amendment
- Secrecy
- Security
- Security Engineering
- Security Intelligence & Analysis
- Self-actualization
- Self-confidence
- Self-employment
- Self-improvement
- Serena Williams
- Sesame Street
- Sex
- Sex and Relationships
- Sex Education
- Sexism
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual assault & Sexual harrassment
- Sexuality and gender
- Shark Attack
- Sharks
- Sherman Anti-trust Act
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Shinzō Abe
- Shipping
- Shopping
- Shortwave listening
- Sibling rivalry
- Single life
- SiriusXM
- Skateboarding
- Skiing and Winter Sports
- Skype
- Slack Mobile
- Slavery
- Sleep
- Sleeping
- Smirnoff
- Smoking
- Smoking meat
- Smoothies
- Snakes
- Snickers
- Snoop Dogg
- Soccer
- Social Care Services
- Social change
- Social Interaction
- Social Justice
- Social media
- Social mobility
- Social Networks
- Social Psychology
- Social Security
- Social status
- Socialism
- Socializing
- Society
- Sociology of Gender
- Softball
- Software
- Solar Power
- Solitaire
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Sony
- SoundCloud
- Sour Punch Straws
- South Carolina
- South Korea
- Southern Style Fried Chicken
- Southern United States
- Space
- Space exploration
- Space travel
- SpaceX
- Spain
- Special Olympics
- Spelling
- Spending time with family
- Spending time with friends
- Spiders
- Spies
- Spinach
- Spiritualism
- Spirituality
- Sports
- Spotify
- Spotify
- Squash
- St. Louis, MO
- Stacey Abrams
- Stanford University
- Stars
- State Government
- State of the Union Address
- Statistics
- Statue of Liberty
- Steam
- Stephen Bannon
- Stephen Breyer
- Stephen Hawking
- Stephen King
- Steve Scalise
- Stimulus Spending
- Stitcher Radio
- Stock Markets
- Strawberry ice cream
- Stress
- Student Debt
- Stuffing
- Submarines
- Success
- Suicide
- Summer Olympics
- Sunny D
- Super Bowl
- Super Mario Bros.
- Supermarkets
- Supernatural Horror
- Superstition
- Supply chain management
- Supreme Leader of Iran
- Surfing
- Survey experiments
- Survey methodology
- Surveys
- Susan B. Anthony
- Susan Collins
- Susan Rice
- Sustainability
- Sweden
- Sweepstakes
- Sweet Potatoes
- Swimming
- Swimming pools
- Syria
- The Salvation Army
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Shining
- The Silence of the Lambs
- The Sims
- The Stand
- The Super Bowl
- The supernatural